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slam provides the functionality to create 2D map for navigation from the 2D laser scan data without installing specific SLAM method in your PC. (But you need ROS1 and ROS1 supported robot.)

Currently it provides bellow methods.

You’ll get a zip file which contains pgm file and yaml file for navigation.

If you have some interest, we are very happy if you give us some feedbacks in cloud-brain discord.


Record your robot’s data using rosbag record

Required Topics

Check your bag file

Use rosbag info to check your bag contains required topics. You can rename your /scan topic in the next step. In the bellow example, you have /scan/front_filtered and /scan/rear_filtered.

$ rosbag info 2022-05-12-08-30-17.bag
path:         2022-05-12-08-30-17.bag
version:      2.0
duration:     1:41s (101s)
start:        May 12 2022 08:30:17.20 (1652311817.20)
end:          May 12 2022 08:31:58.77 (1652311918.77)
size:         4.5 MB
messages:     6341
compression:  lz4 [18/18 chunks; 34.18%]
uncompressed: 12.9 MB @ 130.0 KB/s
compressed:    4.4 MB @  44.4 KB/s (34.18%)
types:        sensor_msgs/LaserScan [90c7ef2dc6895d81024acba2ac42f369]
              tf2_msgs/TFMessage    [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec]
topics:       /scan/front_filtered   1068 msgs    : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
              /scan/rear_filtered    1067 msgs    : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
              /tf                    4201 msgs    : tf2_msgs/TFMessage
              /tf_static                5 msgs    : tf2_msgs/TFMessage

Compress your bag file (optional)

Compress your bag file to reduce the size of the data to be uploaded.

rosbag compress 2022-05-12-08-30-17.bag


  1. Access
  2. Select your bag file
  3. Change the scan_topic name and frame_id if you need
    1. In the above example, rename /scan to /scan/front_filtered
    2. Check if it’s OK to use /base_link as robot frame_id
  4. Upload!
  5. Wait until the map is completed
  6. Check and download the results

Sample bags

You can download a sample bag file here.

What is

This is an experimental project by Smile Robotics.